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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fortune Telling

Life would be so much easier if we knew what was going to happen next. All the uncertainties and unpredictability of life makes it so chaotic and difficult. Fortune telling makes the ambiguity decrease by predictions of events that can happen. Fortune telling has become a very common career. Fortune tellers predict the events of a person's life through many different types of fortune telling. These include tarot reading, astrology, pyromancy, tasseography, crystal gazing, and many more.

Tarot reading is done with a deck of 78 tarot cards. A person chooses a number of cards and interpretation of the future is done according to the pictures, position, and order of the cards chosen. Even the most accomplished tarot card readers find it difficult to objectively interpret their own cards and therefore rely on others to make readings for them. Tarot reading is known to be suitable for predictions in all of life's major areas.

Another form of fortune telling is called astrology. This requires an accurate time, place and date of birth of the concerned person; their name is also of help. With this information, the astrologer makes predictions based on the position of different planets, their characteristics, and the transits that will pass. Astrology is said to be very effective and efficient when done by the right hands. Also, definitive 'yes' or 'no' answers are very common in astrology, and if a question is not answered there is usually a reason behind it. Astrology is most appropriate for life's more major serious matters, especially analyzing the compatibility of two people, but of course the exact birth details of both person is necessary for this.

Pyromancy is a very interesting type of fortune telling done by reading fire and predicting the future. This includes not just interpreting the shape of ordinary flames, but also looking for patterns in the smoke of the fire and in heated objects (such as bones and the shells of animals). This creates heat fractures that are then read. Often, the fire comes from a specific source, such as laurel leaves. It is one of the oldest forms of fortune telling.

Tasserography is the reading of tea leaves to tell the future. The subject is often told to drink tea in a cup and then swirl the leaves so that a pattern is created at the bottom. The pattern is then studied to predict future events of that person.

The most common type of fortune telling is psychic readings. This is a pretty personal and individual form of fortune telling. A person known as the psychic can literally predict your future just by intuitive powers of the reader. Psychic ability is a power that has to be developed through practice and is categorised as an extra-sensory ability, also known as Extra Sensory Perception. The best part about psychic readings is that you can ask the psychic anything you want to know and he/she will answer. Basically, anything from big events to small details of life can be predicted.

Fortune telling has been around for centuries and centuries. People like to know what is going to happen in life so that they can plan accordingly. Many religions are against fortune telling as is contradicts the importance of faith and belief in the power of God. Fortune telling today is taken very seriously by few and as entertainment by others. Some people religiously follow their stars and listen to their fortune tellers while others think it is all made up. Whatever the opinion may be, it is a phenomenon hard to ignore as it is so wide and ancient. And the best part is that many times, the predictions of fortune telling actually come true, now that's hard to ignore!
Author Resource:- Our Tarot Reading Psychics specialize in Tarot and use the traditional Rider Waite Cards. Through your date of birth and information, they use their psychic abilities to tune into your personal energies while they shuffle their cards. tarot reading

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