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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Karl Albrecht

Karl Albrecht's Real Name : Karl Albrecht
Karl Albrecht's Birth Date : 20, February, 1920(Age : 90 Yrs)
Karl Albrecht's Birth Name : Karl Albrecht
Karl Albrecht's Birth Place : Essen, Germany
Karl Albrecht's Net Worth : S$23.5 billion
Karl Albrecht's Gender : Male
Karl Albrecht's Ethnicity : White
Karl Albrecht's Citizenship : Germany
Karl Albrecht's Nationality : Germany
Karl Albrecht's Residence : Mulheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Karl Albrecht's Sexual orientation : Straight
Karl Albrecht's Industry : Retailing
Karl Albrecht's Executive summary : Founded Aldi
Karl Albrecht's Occupation : Businessman, Entrepreneur, owns Aldi Sud.
Karl Albrecht Famous For: Richest German Person and world's 10th Richest Person businessman from Germany.
Karl Albrecht's Education : NA

Karl Albrecht's Parents Occupations :
father was employed as a miner and later as a baker’s assistant
mother had a small grocery store in the worker’s quarter of Schonnebeck

Karl Albrecht's Family Detail:
Karl Albrecht's Father Name: NA (miner)
Karl Albrecht's Mother Name : NA (started supermarket)
Karl Albrecht's Marital Status : Married
Karl Albrecht's Wife Name : NA (two children)
Karl Albrecht's Childrens : 2 children
Karl Albrecht's Brother Name : Theo Albrecht
Karl Albrecht's Son Name : Karl, Jr.

Karl Albrecht's Year Wise Net Worth
Karl Albrecht's Net Worth (2008) - $27.0 billion
Karl Albrecht's Net Worth (2007) - $20.0 billion
Karl Albrecht's Net Worth (2006) - $17.0 billion
Karl Albrecht's Net Worth (2005) - $18.5 billion

Karl Albrecht's Quotes:
"If the frontline people do count, you couldn't prove it by examining the reward systems in most organizations."
"Customer needs have an unsettling way of not staying satisfied for very long."
"If you're not serving the customer, you'd better be serving someone who is."

Karl Albrecht's Trivia :
Founded the discount supermarket chain Aldi with his brother Theo in 1961.
Discount supermarket giant Aldi, now (2008) has more than 8,000 stores and $67 billion in sales.
Today, the business is no longer run by any of Karl Albrecht’s family members.
Raises orchids and plays golf.

In 1948 they incorporated as "Aldi", short for Albrecht Discount; in 1955 they had 100 stores and by 1960 over 300. In 1960 the two

brothers split, Theo taking the northern territories of Germany and Karl the area south of the Ruhr. The year 1997 had the brothers controlling over 3000 stores in Germany, with more outside the country. In total currently, worldwide, there are 8500 stores in 2009.
Karl is now retired, and Forbes estimates his net worth in 2004 as approximately $23B, making him the richest individual in Germany.

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