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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fashion and Education

Change is the essence of life, if the change is for good reason and brings lots of rejuvenation to ones life then one must welcome such change in his or her life with wide open arms.....

We all know that fashion changes rapidly according to the trends and taste of people. Fashion is the word which means self confidence and satisfaction. Fashion has its own definition to any fashionable person..... as being fashionable is one's choice and its a mirror to ones own personality.

Talking about the education and courses in this field, it is considered as one of the most exhilarating and challenging career options in today's world. In a country like India, where textile and garment industries have been flourishing for ages, the recent boom in fashion designing & textile industry has led to innovation and new prospects in the existing sphere of garment and accessory design. If you have a inclination for creativity, style and novelty, a career in fashion designing can be perfect for a person who likes to do experiment and who is innovative. On one hand, the fashion industry satisfies both the creative fancies and the materialistic needs of the people, on the other hand it promises glamour, fame, success and high pay packages.

But yes, no doubt its challenging career because fashion designers need to combine their imagination with administrative skills to continue and sustain in this industry and the competition is tough, thus, if you can create magic with lots of hue, imaginative designs and unique trendy shapes & sizes just get hold of appropriate professional skills to begin a successful career in this field.

There are many career scopes for the students who enter to this industry. A qualified fashion designer can work in areas like designer wear production, planning and concept management, fashion marketing, design production management, fashion stylist, fashion media, quality control, fashion accessory design and promotion of brands.

All the capable students can also find jobs as costume designer, fashion consultant, personal stylist, technical designer, graphic designer, production pattern maker, fashion coordinator, apparel production manager, fabric buyer, fabric quality control manager, and show room sales representative, illustrator, cutting assistant, fashion photographer, fashion journalist and public relation executive in this industry.

Self-employment is an important feature of Fashion Designing course students interested in establishing their own business & goodwill can also become entrepreneurs and open their own companies.

After this several export houses, garment store chains, textile mills, leather companies, boutiques, fashion show organizers, jewelry houses and media houses gives them proposals for long term associations.

The students can classify their area of interest and match it with their aptitude while choosing the specialization offered in various areas of Fashion Designing. There must be a single minded approach for finally choosing the particular course, as being a wi de field it is some times very difficult for students to get focused. So accurate approach is essential for choosing the area of their proficiency.

The author is associated with Satyam Fashion Institute, Noida as Public Relations Officer

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