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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

HR Questions A question on why IIT Roorkee for MBA.

Q1: Tell me something about yourself.

Me: gave whole history and present of myself. Right from my birth to my education, areas of interest

Q2. Being a fresher, how would you justify your selection into MBA course vis-à-vis people with work experience?

Me: It is always better to have a healthy mix of students with work ex and without it. I justified by giving my strengths and how my strengths will make me a promising MBA student e.g. optimistic approach, good communication and presentation skills, analytical ability, cool minded approach to solve problems.

Q3. Whom do you consider your role model and why

Me: I have always looked upon Kiran Bedi as my role model. And I gave lot many reasons to convince them. The fact that she not only appeared for Civil Services and emerged as First IPS woman officer despite facing so much opposition from her family members (make sure you have your facts correct while answering such questions). I admire her for the way she has carried out her duties facing all the political pressure. And for the immense contribution that she has made towards Tihar jail inmates.

This discussion was two way. The panel was well versed with what Kiran Bedi has done so there was no scope of lying or distorting facts.

Q4. What are your weaknesses and what have you done to overcome them? (whatever be it, make sure that your weaknesses do not make you a misfit for the course/ job you are applying for )

Me: sometimes I am way too straightforward and people take me as being rude. I am learning to put across things politely. Another would be that I am a bit of introvert and I take my own sweet time to open up.

Q5. What are your hobbies-

Me: reading, cooking, sketching. This was followed by discussion on reading. I lead my interview to this point. For 5-6 minutes we kept on discussing about works of fiction that I have read, my favorite author etc. they asked about my views on Taslima Nasreen as I told them I have read her work. I was asked whether I agreed with her views about men.

Q6. After B.Tech why did not you go for a job and opted for MBA instead?

Me: explained that MBA would offer me wide spectrum of areas to explore rather than B.Tech where I could have only gone in technical line. And then I went on to explain fundamentals on added value that MBA would give me.

Q7. A question on why IIT Roorkee for MBA.

Me: being an IIT this is true center of learning and IIT Roorkee is the only IIT which offers dual specialization in MBA. Of course excellent faculty, vast number of facilities,

Q8. Questions about family, siblings etc

Technical ques>

Having done B.Tech (Computer Science), there were questions on SQL, C, Java (very basic questions), algorithms, probability, permutation etc.

DBMS- questions on DBMS, Data mining,

Questions about my final year B.Tech project> I had made a full fledged website using JAVA, SQL and HTML

The atmosphere was chilled and the panel was very friendly. The bottom line is lead the interview where you want it to go. I made sure to keep them busy with HR related questions on areas which were of my interest. And never try to fool them by lying or bragging about your qualifications/ profile etc.


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