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Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to Beat an interview

Prepare as it’s your first date – Searching job is also a tough job. You need to prepare like your first date. Dress-up in Formals, well polished shoes, combed hair and energy on your face makes the first impression on interviewer.

Docs Folder – Carry all important certificates and resume in a Folder. Folded resume and unarranged papers can make you rejected candidate.

Be with your resume – If you have made your resume then it’s great and if you have get it written by a professional, study it at least 7 times. Most of the times, HR ask questions in your resume. So prepare all the questions which can be asked in advance.

Clear Vision of Goal –
You must be sure why you have applied for the job and why you should be given that job. You must have clear vision about what you are doing?, what you want to do in future? Your answers should not show that you have just come for the interview.

Do your homework –
Before going for the interview, visit New Employer’s website. Read About the company, their past, their vision, their operating area and their strength. You would be asked “why do you want to join this Organisation?” so be ready.

Prepare a note about your self-
The first question you may be asked is "tell something about yourself ?'.So,prepare lines about yourself.It should include your native place,your education,your experience,your strengths etc.

Know your weaknesses-It
is very important to put your weaknesses in front of the interviewr in such a way that it should not disclose any thing that may lead interviewer to have a wrong perception about you.Never tell your weaknesses which are negative.

Always be positive –
Sometimes HR don’t disclose the results then and there. They are in process of short listing also. So when they say, we will call you back, doesn’t mean that you are rejected. Your energy level should be same. Shake hand, say thanks for their time and leave with dignity. It will create a better impression on HR. In case you are not fit for that job you will get call for some other role from the same HR.

Never Ask for the feedback –
sometimes jobseeker asked for the feedback immediately, every organisation has its own process of recruitment. Asking for immediate response can lead you to rejected candidates. If you will be selected, you would be called back for sure, because they also need you. And if you are not the right candidate for that job, find your shortcoming yourself, not from HR.


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