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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I Look For My Serious Love

Hi, have you ever dreamt to meet your one and only love on the Internet? I think yes it you are looking here..
I also was doubtful that it is real but one day I was searching and came across: where I have seen the most beautiful lady I ever dreamt about. 
Well, I had a huge interest to talk with her, to see more of her pictures and always kept in my mind that I wish her to be my lady.
So, I had invited her to chat and we had a great online conversation. I thought to myself, How come I didn’t meet her earlier?
And several days later there was her birthday and I sent her the favorite flowers. She was so happy to receive them as a gift.
For me our conversations were never enough and I was happy to talk with her any time..
And after several months of our conversations and letters back and forth I came to visit her and make my special lady..
Those were the gratest days of our lives and befroe I was going home I made her proposal and she agreed.
And we are getting married next month ;-)

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