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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Osmania PG Entrance Test 2016 Notification

OUCET 2016-17 PG Courses Common Entrance Tests notification has released on 13th April 2016. Those who all interest to apply for the admission into various P.G. courses of M.A., M.Sc., M.Com., M.C.J., B.L.I.Sc., M.L.I.Sc., M.S.W., M.Ed., M.P.Ed., P.G. Diploma Courses and 5 yr. Integrated Programmes offered by Osmania, Telangana.

Osmania University Common Entrance Tests OUCET – 2016 the entrance examination conducts every year for the admission of PG courses in Osmania, Telangana Mahatma Gandhi and Palamuru universities in their campus, constituent and affiliated colleges for the academic year 2016-2017.

OUCET 2016 Notification :

Osmania University Common Entrance Test or OUCET is a post graduate eligibility test conducted by Osmania University. There are about 19,000 seats at Osmania University, Palamuru University, Mahabubnagar; Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda and Telangana University, Nizamabad. The entrance test is held in May/June every year.

Courses Offered:

A total of 52 courses(39 PG Courses, 10 PG Diploma Course and 3  5 years Integrated programmes) offered by Osmania, Telangana, Mahatma Gandhi and Palamuru University
M.A., M.Sc., M.Com., M.C.J., B.L.I.Sc., M.L.I.Sc., M.S.W., M.P.Ed., M.Ed., etc.(PG Courses)
P.G. Diploma Courses

5 year Integrated programs.

Selection of Process:

Selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of common entrance test.


The candidates who have passed or appearing for the final year examination during 2014-2016 are also eligibility to apply. 5 percent supernumerary seats in each courses in university campus and constituent colleges are available to the candidate from outside AP under National Integration Quota(NIQ).

Registration Fee:
 Registration Fee for a single subject is Rs.450/- for OC/BC candidates and Rs.350/- for SC/ST/PH candidates. For each additional subject, the fee is Rs.250/- for all categories. The fee may be paid at any TS/AP online centers or through payment gateway (Credit/Debit Cards)/Net Banking. For submission of online application, visit the above websites.

How to Apply:

The application submission is online mode only through websites

Importance Dates(Tentative):
1. Notification issued date: 11-04-2016
2. Submission of applications commence from: 13-04-2016.
3. Last date for submission of online application Without late fee: 07.05.2016.
3. Last date for submission of online application With a late fee Rs.500/- : 14-05-2016
4. Entrance Examinations start from: 30.05.2016 * (tentatively)
5. Results in third week of --------.
6. Counselling in first of of ------.

OUCET-2016 entrance tests will be conducted from 30.05.2016

For more details available on OU Official website:

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