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Sunday, April 24, 2016

The AP Post-Graduate law common entrance test – 2016

Sri Krishnadevaraya University began as a Post-Graduate Centre of Sri Venkateswara University in 1968. The Post Graduate Centre was given Autonomy in 1976 and was elevated to the status of a University in 1981. Initially, the University functioned as a unitary University and was conferred the status of affiliating University in 1987.

The Department of Law is one of the oldest departments of the University with its rich alumni that includes, many judges, academicians,ministers and Legislatures.
The AP Post-Graduate law common entrance test – 2016 & its admissions will be made by Rules and Regulations of the University Concerned, APSCHE and relevant G.O.s of A.P that are in force and also amendments that may come into force from time to time. Currently, Sri Krishnadevaraya University is going to held ap pglcet 2016 for given courses :

AP PGLCET 2016 Course Offered :

a) LL.M Courses are offered as full-time regular courses in the University Colleges, constituent/PG Colleges of the University and Private Law Colleges affiliated to the Universities.
b) The candidates seeking admission into LL.M. (including self-financing) need to qualify in the AP PGLCET- 2016.

LL.M (Post Graduation Course)
Commercial Law /Business Law
Constitutional Law & Legal Order/ Constitutional &Administrational Law/
Constitutional Law
Criminal Law / Law of Crimes
Corporate and Security Laws
Family Law
Human Rights Law/ Human Rights
International Law and Organization/ International Law
Intellectual Property Rights Laws
Labour Law/ Labour, Capital and Law.

AP PGLCET 2016 last date 30th April 2016
Last date for submit application form with Late Fee of Rs. 500/- 01.05.2016 to 07.05.2016
Last date for submit application form with Late Fee of Rs. 500/- 08.05.2016 to 15.05.2016
Last date for submit application form with Late Fee of Rs. 500/- 16.05.2016 to 21.05.2016
With late fee of Rs. 5000/- Candidates have to write the entrance Test in Anantapuramu only. 22.05.2016 to 27.05.2016


1. The candidatesshould be Indian Nationals and should satisfy local/non-localstatus
requirementslaid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions(Regulations of Admission) Order, 1974 as amended up to date. 2. The candidates other than Indian Nationalsshould satisfy the rules of the Universities concerned. 3. The candidatesseeking admission: 4. For LLB 3 Year Course: The candidate should have passed Graduate Degree
Examination of minimum three years duration(10+2+3 pattern)of a recognised University with at least 45% marks of aggregate marks (40% marksin case of SC/ST
categories) in the qualifying examination. If any candidate secured less than 45% in
graduation, he should have passed any additional graduation or Post Graduation with 45% marks. 5. For LL.B 5 year course: The candidate should have passed two year Intermediate
Examination(10+2 pattern) with at least 45% marks(40% marksin case of SC/ST

categories) in the qualifying examination or any other examination recognised as equivalent to Intermediate by the University,Board of Intermediate A.P. and Bar Council of India. 6. Admission into any college depends on its Recognition/Affiliation by the Statutory Bodies. 7. Qualifying marks in APLAWCET-2016 is 35% ( i.e 42 Marks out of 120

Candidates, wish to apply must have completed LL.B. /B.L. from a recognized university. Candidates, who are appearing final year also eligible to apply for ap pglcet 2016 courses.

AP PGLCET 2016 Application fees :

Participants have to pay application fee of Rs. 500/-. Candidates can pay AP PGLCET 2016 Application Fee via AP Online & Debit Card/Credit Card.

Qualifying marks in AP PGLCET-2016 :

The qualifying percentage of marks in the Entrance Test is 25%. There will be no qualifying marks for S.Cs & S.Ts for ranking. Rank Card will not be sent by post. The candidates are advised to download the Rank Card from the web site In case of any difficulty in downloading Rank Card the candidates are advised to contact the Convener’s office.
Medium of Entrance Test :
The question paper will be set in English only.

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