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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Engineers/Mathematician Jobs opportunity in ITI Limited

Advertisement ref. N0. ITI/BGP/HR/R&D/05-2016 Date : 25/05/2016.

The Company in the field of Embedded/ Encryption product development is looking for Creative & Talented Professionals to be hired on Tenure basis in R&D for a period of Five Years, Which is extendable based on Company’s requirement and satisfactory performance of the Official
Position & Grade : Mathematicians, Electrical and Electronics Engineers & Mechanical Engineers at the level of Grade 2
 Engineers/Mathematician Jobs opportunity in ITI Limited
 Engineers/Mathematician Jobs opportunity in ITI Limited 

1. Mathematicians (Gr.2)

Qualification: Candidate must possess First Class in MSc in Mathematics with two or more of following elective subjects. 1. Number Theory / Prime Number Theory 2. Cryptography / Elliptical Cryptography 3. Finite field . Preferred Exposure/Experience: In C / C++ Language.
Upper Age Limit : 28 years

2. Electrical & Electronics Engineers (GR.2)

a. Qualification : Candidate must possess First Class in BE / B Tech in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. Preferred Exposure / Experience : 1. Exposure/Experience of design and development of Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) 2. Exposure/Awareness on EMI / EMC aspects in an added advantage 3. Exposure/Experience on testing of SMPS
Upper Age Limit : 28 years

3. Mechanical Engineers (Gr.2):

Qualification : Candidate must possess First Class in BE / B Tech in Mechanical Engineering. Preferred Experience : 1. Design of sheet metal fabricated parts/enclosures using AUTO CAD software (2D/3D) 2. Experience in thermal design and vibration analysis of electronic equipment. 3. Experience in fabrication / drafting in an electronic / telecom equipment industry is preferred.
Upper Age Limit : 28 years
Medical Standard : Applicants should be of sound health and should meet the medical standard prescribed by the Company. Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to medical fitness duly certified by the Company's Medical Officers. No relaxation in health standard is allowed.
How to apply
Applications should be strictly submitted by ordinary / speed post. No application fee is required. Professionals ready to take up the challenge and meeting the requirements may download the prescribed Employment Application format and send the duly filled in application (hard copy) to the Chief Manager-HR (B) ITI Limited Bangalore Plant Dooravani Nagar Bangalore — 560 016 on or before 11-06-2016.
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