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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Tamil film Bichagadu is Surprise Winner

Telugu-dubbed Tamil film Bichagadu is surprise winner at the BO. Starring Vijay Anthony, the socio-family drama released with minimum expectations turned out to be sleeper hit in this season. 

Producer Chadalavada Srinivas, who has spent a meagre Rs 50 Lakh for the film, too stunned with the record business the film is doing. Trade reports are rife that the movie has grossed over 7 Crore and expected to do over Rs 10 Crore in AP, TS in its full run.

What's more? Unique promotional campaign has worked well. Producer Chadalavada has stuck to print media publicity alone and conveniently avoided showcasing the film's trailer on news channels, GECs.

Tamil film Bichagadu is surprise winner
Tamil film Bichagadu is surprise winner 


Arun Selva Kumar( Vijay Anthony) is a multi-millionaire who heads back to India to look after his family business. During his visit to one of his factories, his mother accidentally gets hurt and goes into a coma.
An upset Selva, consults all the renowned doctors in India but they fail to do anything. One fine day, he stumbles upon a swamiji who tells him that if he turns into a beggar for forty eight days, his mother will recover soon.
Left with no choice, Selva decides to become a beggar. How does he go about begging ? What are the incidents that take place once he starts begging ? and will his mother manage to recover ? All these questions manage to form the crux of the story.

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