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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

How to Become Rich ?

Invest In The Stock Market

The stock market is a very risky business, and most people who invest in it already have the funds they need in order to gamble it away. It is a lazy and sometimes easy way to get rich, if you have the money in the beginning. There are some products and businesses that everyone knows are doing rather well, but these stocks are already expensive. If you want to invest in a less costly business, it is a huge risk to invest money in it if you don’t know how well the business will thrive, or if it will tank while you are invested. You can always start with a small amount and take it from there.

Invest money in stocks, bonds, or other vehicles of investment that will give you an annual return on investment (ROI) great enough to sustain you in your retirement. For instance, if you have one million dollars invested and you get a reliable 7% ROI, that's $70,000 per year, less inflation.

Don't get enticed by day traders who tell you it's easy to make a quick buck. Buying and selling dozens of stocks every day is essentially gambling. If you make some bad trades — which is unbelievably easy to do — you can lose a lot of money. It's not a good way to get rich.
Instead, learn to invest for the long run. Choose good stocks with solid fundamentals and excellent leadership in industries that are primed for future growth. Then let your stock sit. Don't do anything with it. Let it weather the ups and downs. If you invest wisely, you should do very well over time.

Invest in real estate. 

Relatively stable assets like rental properties, or potential development land in a steadily growing area is a good way to build wealth. As with any investment, there are no guarantees. Many people, however, have done quite well with real estate. Such investments are likely to appreciate in value over time. For example, some people think that an apartment in Manhattan is almost guaranteed to increase in value over any five-year period.

nvest your time. For example, you might like having free time, so you give yourself a few hours a day to do nothing. But if you were to invest those few hours into getting rich, you could work towards having 20 years of free time (24 hours a day!) with early retirement. What can you give up now in exchange for being rich later? Investment advisor Dave Ramsey likes to tell his radio audience, "Live like no one else today so that you can live like no one else tomorrow."

Don't spend money on stupid stuff:

It's hard enough making a living. But it's hard and painful when the things you spend your hard-earned cash on are financial black holes. Reevaluate the things you spend money on. Try to figure out whether they are truly "worth it." Here are some things you probably don't want to spend that much money on if you plan on becoming rich:

Marry Someone Who Is Very Wealthy:

This is definitely a lazy way to get rich, but undoubtedly, isn’t that easy. If you can find an incredibly wealthy man or woman, chances are, they are looking for someone who does not want them just for their money. You will get the money quickly (if they allow it), but in the long run you probably won’t be that happy. That’s if you are only marrying them for their cash.

 Hit the lottery:

This is, by far, the laziest and easiest way to get rich quick. The only problem is that you have a better chance at getting struck by lightning than to win millions of dollars in the national lottery. This may not be easy in terms of winning, but the fact that all you have to do is drive to the gas station, grocery store or lottery agent, is considerably stress-free. If the odds are in your favor on that particular day, then winning will most likely be easy as well.

 Create A YouTube Channel That Generates Billions Of Hits:

This may not be the laziest way to get rich, but it has happened, more than once. There are multiple people who have a channel on YouTube and have generated billions of views, just by creating their own show. If you have something creative or funny to show the rest of the world, this may be the way to go. There are no promises for the number of “hits” you will receive by doing this, but stranger things have happened.

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