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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Pawan Kalyan Another title Kadapa King

After the disastrous show of ‘Sardaar Gabbar Singh’, Pawan Kalyan is trying to bounce back and please his fans with SJ Surya’s project. We are aware that the film revolves around a factionist. So, the makers are in search of an apt title.
 Pawan Kalyan  Another title Kadapa King
 Pawan Kalyan  Another title Kadapa King

Earlier, the film rumoured to be titled as ‘Husharu’. But, the makers thrashed out this news. Now, another title ‘Kadapa King’ came into the light. It is because Pawan’s close associate Sharath Maraar recently registered this title in the film chamber. So, everyone started guessing that ‘Kadapa King’ will be the title for this film. Reports say that Rakul has been selected in place of Shruti Hassan to play the female lead.

 The latest buzz, the film maker have registered the title 'Kadapa King' in film chamber. The official confirmation is yet to be made.

The movie is based on the faction backdrop and it is produced by Sharath Marrar whereas the story is penned by Aakula Siva. Actress Shruthi Hassan has been roped to play the love interest of Pawan and Tollywood actor Ajay is playing the role of antagonist. The music will be scored by Anup Rubens.

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