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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Rashmi's Romancing in Antham Movie 2016

 Rashmi's  Romancing in  Antham Movie 2016
 Rashmi's  Romancing in  Antham Movie 2016
The film has already completed the Censor formalities and obtained “A” Certificate form the Censor Board. This new sex bomb is set to blast soon in summer director Kalyan says, Rashmi’s characterization in ‘Antham’ had a good scope to perform and vast glamour show is of course mandatory. The movie is all set for a grand release within this sumptuous summer season.

The recently released trailer of Rashmi's Antham is raising the temperatures for sure. Her steamy scenes in the trailer have already garnered many eye balls and set the tongues wagging. While many are eagerly waiting to see Rashmi's glam show on big screen, here's the disappointing report to her fans.

Gossip is that the makers have imbibed all Rashmi's meaty scenes from the film in the trailer itself and there's nothing new left to show them in the movie. Apprently, even the film's few lead cast seems to be a bit taken aback, said sources in the know.

Now many in the film's unit are expressing their shock that audiences would feel disappointed if they don't find more such skin scenes in the movie compared to its trailer. And one more interesting thing is that the film has good resemblances with Ram Gopal Varma's Antham (1992) which has Urmila as female lead.

 Rashmi's  Romancing in  Antham Movie 2016
 Rashmi's  Romancing in  Antham Movie 2016

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