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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Employment resume

  23 Euston Read, Sommerville N3Z U46     (020) xxxxxxx


The University of Nottingham, Nottingham                        1999-2002
BSc Management (First Class)

    International Marketing and Market Research
    Advanced Management
    Macro and Microeconomics
    Trade Law

The final year project “Internet promotion strategies” was distinguished by the Vice-Chancellor Special Prize. 

St. Marry’s School, Stratfordshire                            1994-1999

A Levels:     French (A)
            Math (B)
Business Studies (A)
    German (A)
GCSEs:     7 Grade A including French, Math and History, 2 Grade C


Biopharma Pro, Oxford                                    2002-present
Interactive Marketing Manager

Responsible for Interactive Marketing of the Company’s OTC products. Developing strategy, selection of media, introducing own promotion concepts, execution and monitoring.
Skills acquired/ achievements:

•    Creative approach to marketing (co-creation of the Internet distribution channel)
•    Extensive expertise in the field of electronic marketing, e-payments and logistics
•    Expanding Company’s operations worldwide thanks to the Internet
•    Developed successful customer loyalty programme
•    Managerial skills: time management, project management, ability to meet deadlines
•    Promoted to Interactive Marketing Manager after only 18 months of tenure

Royal Dutch/Shell, London                                     2001

Summer internship in Shell UK Marketing Department. Involved in the revamping of the retail customer loyalty programme.  Market analysis, simulation of the financial impact of the programme, preparation of the report on the other loyalty schemes of the competitors, presentation of the report to the Head of UK Marketing Department, developing own recommendations.

Skills acquired/ achievements:
•    Analytical skills
•    Financial modeling
•    Research skills
•    Presentation skills
•    Recommendations regarding loyalty programme fully incorporated in the final version of the scheme

Hamilton Tavern, Nottingham                                2000-2001

A part time job at the University’s Pub in term time.

Skills acquired/ achievements:
•    Dealing with money
•    Ability to work under pressure
•    Dealing with people tactfully but firmly

Tenett Hotel and O’Harry Castle, Fort Augustus                        1999
Project manager
Developing a web page for the Tenett Hotel and O’Harry Castle. Coordination of several tasks: hardware purchase, taking photos, web page design, and integration of the booking system with online tools.
Skills acquired/ achievements:
•    The quality of work at Tenett Hotel resulted in recommendation to O’Harry Castle owner
•    Coordinating the whole process and taking responsibility for the end-product
•    Good communication skills
•    Developing client relationship
•    IT skills


•    HTML, XML
•    Java
•    Proficient with MS Office package
•    Oracle Database (8.0, 9.0)

•    English –mother tongue
•    German – fluent
•    French –very good


Procter & Gamble – “Business Case Study” –                     March 2001
developing a successful strategy for washing powder” –
one week case study in London

Nottingham Entrepreneurship Centre “Execution of your Business Idea” –     April 2000
three-day training


Singer and drummer of “The Six” boys-band. Since 1998 the band has been distinguished on several occasions:
•    2nd Prize on the British Student Folk Review, Edinburgh, July 2001
•    Special Guest Performance during the Brighton Festival, August 2000
•    1st Prize during European Youth Folk Bands Review in Wiesbaden, Germany, April 1999

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