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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Employment resume



1997 – 2004   St. Paul’s Hospital, Southampton
(Children’s Department)

Matron (2002-present)

Responsible for:
•    Managing shifts, staffing
•    Supervising nurses of the Children’s Department
•    Controlling the service quality 
•    Training of the new nurses, coaching
•    Assisting by operations

Skills gained:

•    Ability to establish respect among other nurses despite young age
•    Inspiring new staff
•    Ability to creat an efficient and friendly team of eight nurses
•    Leadership skills
•    Operation assistance qualifications

Nurse (1997-2002)

Responsible for:
•    Medicine application, conducting basic examinations and tests
•    Patient care: body functions monitoring, washing, night vigil, bandaging
•    Providing positive reinforcement for patients, morale enhancement 

Skills gained:

•    Ability to establish a relationship with children
•    Very good stress management
•    Self-confidence and ability to transfer optimism


1995-1997           Wiley Nurse School, Southampton
Graduated with distinction

1990 – 1997        Stanport Comprehensive, Winchester

1997:A-levels    Biology (A), Mathematics (B),  History (B)
1994: GCSEs    ten, including Biology (A), Mathematics (A), History (B), French (B) and Art (B)

       Other Skills

•    Good command of French
•    Basic Arabic
•    Good managerial skills
•    PC literacy
•    Clean driving license


•    Advanced Operation Assistance Course for Nurses, Orthopaedist Spetialisation, Portsmouth, 2002
•    Morale and Patient’s Psychology Training, organised by Hartwig Medical Psychology Association, London, 1999

       Extra-curriculum activities

Member of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders). Participation in the several missions, including Afghanistan (2003), Sudan (2000) and Somalia (2000). In total over one year spent in overseas programmes of the MSF.

Addtionally, permanent involvement in a few initiatives in United Kindgom, especially Live Healthy and Safe Holidays among pupils of York primary schools.


•    Cooking (French and African cusine)
•    Horse-riding
•    Ancient history

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