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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


1.Tell us about yourself

The most often asked question in interviews. You need to have a short statement prepared in your mind. Be careful that it does not sound rehearsed. limit it to work/Study-related items unless instructed otherwise. Talk about things you have done well at your college and how you wanted to perform in the
first job.

2. Why Should We Employ You?

For this question, your answer should list out strengths that you feel are relevant to the job. Given below are some answers which could help you with your answers. However, structure them to suit your requirements. I have good co-ordination skills, Good analytical skills.

I can persuade people to see my point of view, and get the work done.My greatest asset is my ability to motivate people. Even during emergencies, I do not loose my cool. I have good entrepreneurial skills. I have consistently met my deadlines and targets Can say no to people when required to do so! I am very co-operative with my sub-ordinates, and would like to see them grow.I am a good team player.I am very flexible, and have the ability to work hard under difficult work conditions

I have the experience and knowledge relevant to this job (Here, give appropriate details and examples)

3. Do You Have Offers From Other Companies?

This is of course a difficult question to answer. Obviously, you must have applied to other companies if you are looking for a job or would have some offers from other companies already. Therefore, do not lie that you have not.However, you are on thin ice here! The interviewer could be checking your honesty. On the other hand, he/she may also be trying to find out how focused you are - are you applying randomly, or is there a well-planned strategy?

Whatever your answer, it should match your career goals.

4. What Salary Are You Expecting?

Try not to get into salary details early in the interview. If pressed, you could say that it all depends on the job, and would like to talk about it after a job offer. Say this in a convincing tone. In case you are asked this question in your latter interviews, give a direct answer. Do not sound apologetic while quoting the figure you have in mind.

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