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Thursday, May 26, 2016

How To Get Amazing Glow in Just Two Minutes

Many times you suddenly have to go to a party’s need for instant glow. In that case you do not understand what your face do feeding and become the life of the party. In that case you can try dry fruit face Pack.

For this make paste of cashew nuts, almonds, pistachios, sour cream, oil, rose water and masoor Dal. Apply this paste on the face and after 15 minutes wash the face. Now apply the Moisturizer which suits your skin.

Anti-oxidant elements help it to give instant glow in the face. If you want to increase the impact, then freeze the rosewater in ice tray and rub the cubes on your face for a sometime.

Honey is also an excellent way to get glowing skin instantly. Take a teaspoonful of honey and apply on the face. If you have marks on the ace put some lemon juice drops and apply on the face. It gives instant radiance.

Take half a teaspoonful of baking soda and add some water to make a paste. Apply on the face and rinse. Glowing skin is in.

 To get glowing skin when the skin is dry, use some almond oil, it gives glow and treats the dry patches.


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