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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Basic Skin Care tips

  • Skin of our body can be considered as important as any other vital organ in the human system. The Skin and muscles provide an important shelter to the inner organs which are delicate and need to be protected. Apart from its utility in the body system, skin contributes to a large extent to the outer appearance and the beauty of an individual. Who doesn't want a clean and glowing skin that magnifies the a beauty or attractiveness of a person. A healthy and glowing skin is also the indication of the healthy state of the body. Mentioned here in the article, are a few basic skin care tips that should be kept in mind to have healthy skin and a beautiful appearance.
Basic Skin Care tips
Basic Skin Care tips

  • This is the very basic and logically obvious method to maintain a good skin that is to keep it clean. You should wash your skin on a daily basis as part of your bath or otherwise with suitable cleaning agents.

  • It is not necessary always to use expensive and fancy skin care products to be used daily, rather the experts advice that a mild and scentless cleansing agent must be used on a daily basis which will get you rid of the dirt, germs and dead skin accumulated over it. The cleansing soap is preferred to have moisturizing qualities as well.

  • Cleansing is the most effective way of removing dust, dirt and dead layer from your skin. It is also meant for cleaning the previously applied make up. Cleansing helps in removing residual elements on the skin to make its pore open and breathing. Regular cleaning makes your face fresh and clean.

  • Wet your skin with warm water to open up your pores. Apply the cleanser and massage it into your skin in upward, circular motions. Then remove, either with damp cotton pads, using a sponge, or by splashing with warm water, gently wiping off the cleanser. Never leave any cleanser on your face, as this causes irritation, spots and imperfections.

  • Toner is used to restore your skin's natural pH levels which were probably altered during cleansing. By restoring your skin to its natural pH, you also make it more resistant against bacteria and micro-organisms. There are many different types of toner available in the market, some simply restore skin's pH, others also kill bacteria, or leave a spot-fighting ingredient on your skin. It's most essential to people with oily skin.

  • Moisturizing your skin will keep it looking radiant and glowing throughout the day. Proper moisturizing restores the natural moisture to your skin, making it more soft, supple and glowing.


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